Monday, July 26, 2010

With the price of oil still falling why is the price of gas still climbing?

I don't understand, why is this going on? The reserves are proven. There is more supply than demand. Why is gas still going up?With the price of oil still falling why is the price of gas still climbing?
Investors looked out their window to the street and saw big SUVs and pickup trucks and luxury sedans making a comeback. They realized that Americans have already forgotten gas costing $4 or more a gallon and since we have brought back the gas guzzlers its a good time to invest in gasoline again (demand is increasing). So they buy stock and futures in Gasoline and because they are buying the price is increasing.

What will happen is gas will get back to 4 or more dollars a gallon fairly soon. Americans will sell or trade their gas guzzlers for efficient cars. Gas will get cheaper, we will sell or trade our efficient cars for huge SUVs that get 14 miles to the gallon. Gas will get expensive...rinse repeat to infinity.

We never learn. That or we all know this already but we are convinced that everyone else will be responsible since its only intelligent to be so we can be irresponsible and get away with it.

200 years form now someone will still be asking why gas gets expensive when half the cars on the road are huge SUVs and get less then 20 miles to the gallon. That and soccer moms will still be saying that they absolutely need a Hummer to carry groceries and get their 2 kids to practice.With the price of oil still falling why is the price of gas still climbing?
This will really make you mad, back in the early 90's, when regular gas was selling for under a dollar a gallon, a single barrel of oil was trading around $35. Today, oil is trading for around $40 a barrel and regular gas is over $2 a gallon. Even with inflation, the oil companies are still ripping us off. I think the main difference between the 90's and today is that there was more than just a handful of oil companies. Limited competition means they can charge what they want.
oil is going up too. but oil doesnt directly Correlate with gasoline. there are multiple uses for oil, so depending on what market is in demand, the oil prices will fluctuate whether gasoline rises or drops at all. it goes the same for natural gas. when the economy is good, yes, they all will be up. but it doesnt mean that they will mirror eachother because they all have different markets they fall into.
it's like asking if the price of cotton is falling, why are the price of clothing going up?

Oil is not automatically changed in gas. Oil is used for a lot of things other than gasoline, and the gasoline on the market at any given time is not tied to the price of oil on the market on that same time.
OPEC cuts production until prices increase. Investors buy futures to inflate the prices so that we can be milked for as much wealth as possible.

Obama wants us to pay for wind and solar technology, rather than drill for oil in our own neighborhood. That way we are still held hostage by people that live half way around the world.
Because between the cost of crude oil and the gasoline in your car there are a large number of intermediaries, all of whom want to make as much money as possible.

They will charge as much for gasoline as you are willing to pay without decreasing consumption. It's called capitalism.
Greed. Don't use that much gas (such as driving). Keep your house in the 60s during winter. They need to be taught a lesson. We have slowly gone in this direction but we need to do more
the price, like most things , is no longer based on supply and demand. Today's prices reflect the maximum amount of money that corporations feel than can fleece the consumer with. Especially when it comes to products like oil that they know we MUST have.

Here is the truth: The true business law that pertains here is ';Charge whatever the market will bear.';
Supply demand theory is a hoax and has very little to do with the manipulation of the price of oil.

You pose a very good question. If demand were high (according to those that believe this hoax) then oil prices would follow and if demand were dropping oil prices would follow.

Now we see via this hoax theory that gasoline prices are moving in the opposite direction of the price of oil which further exposes the theory of supply vs demand as it applies to the price of fuel and blows it out of the water.

In short, there is NO reasonable explanation to explain this phenomenon other than consumers being gouged coming and going. Between OPEC and the Exxons of the world we are at the mercy of their greed and desire for bigger mansions and larger yachts.
Americans are addicted to petroleum. The laws of supply and demand don't apply to an addict.
The Oil Producers want as much of any tax refunds people recieve as possible.
Oil Corporations will continue to party even after the party is over = Cheney leaving the White House
greed, tax the hell out of the companies to scare them

oil the second black gold, fisrt there was guinness
i don't care. the higher the gas prices, the more money i make.
gas went down 6 cents in my area yesterday.
Maybe Obama's rich Oil buddies, are greedy?

Isn't that what the Left said, when Bush was president?
somebody's got to feed the pigs.

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