Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?

You'd have to be a complete moron to think that after what we've seen over the past year!Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?
Um. Because in the past year, I've seen crude prices rise, and gas prices rise. Then saw crude drop, and gas prices follow downward? If there was no connection, why would gas prices drop by half when crude fell? Do you think gas suppliers are willing to lose money to trick you, or just being nice?Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?
Sure there鈥檚 a connection, it鈥檚 just not the only thing that drives the market. Because of the environmental lobby in this country, we haven鈥檛 built any new refineries since the 70鈥檚. That makes it hard to refine enough crude into gas to fill the demand in the summer months. Also, because of our policy NOT to drill domestically, we are forced to import most of our oil from OPEC. OPEC sets the price of a barrel of oil, and since they are a monopoly, they can charge whatever they want. In fact, in the summer months when our demand rises, they deliberately reduce production to drive the price up.
Yeah it was pretty obvious last summer as demand decreased, supply increased and the price jumped up 50% that there was no longer any correlation between the two.

60 Minutes had a great piece a few weeks ago and explained that major investment banks purchased large oil tank farms, hired former Enron traders who knew how to manipulate the market, and used it to their advantage to run up the price of oil.

Of course, when the price collapsed, those investment banks lined up at the trough in DC for their bailout.
What really controls the price of oil?

OPEC and oil speculators.

And the price of gas is high because of the lack of refineries in this country. This time of year they have to convert from producing gasoline to producing fuel oil to heat homes.

Unless we build more refineries and tap our own resources (drilling with in our own borders and using Coal Shale) we are at the mercy of OPEC and speculators.
There's a connection, but not the normal one and not a natural one.鈥?/a>
It's not the sole connection, but you'd have to be a complete moron to think that gasoline--a by-product of oil--is completely unaffected by the price of its source as well.
Dude, the price of a barrel of oil has dropped dramatically over the past year due lowering demand...the price of gas in my town has gone from 4.00 to under 2.00...what more proof do you need that they are connected?
There is a connection. Are you saying that it's a pure coincidence that gas prices go up whenever oil prices go up? It happens too many times to be coincidence.
Okay your statement might have some truth to it if you can tell me that the price of a shirt does not go up because of the increase in the cost of cotton.
There's a direct correlation b/n Crude and Gasoline prices. It might not be immediate -- but they mirror each other over time.

Crude is refined into gasoline.

Is there something I'm missing in your argument...would you care to elaborate?
because most people are stupid and believe anything on the tube. the thing that get me is these people already have all the money they need to do anything they want. the only thing left is the control other people. people you better wake up
They are related but not mutually exclusive. Over the last 2 weeks oil has gone down to less than $33 a barrel yet gas started to creep up $.20 a gallon.
so you don't believe in the laws of supply and demand , that's your problem . don't expect us to live with your delusions.
Supply and demand is a thing of the past. Today's prices are set at the highest point a company thinks they can get away with and still have people buy their product.
Why don't you clue us in on your delusional thought process.
they are like the same thing you dolt!
I don't know.

Please tell us your theory on how the two aren't related.

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