Friday, July 30, 2010

Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?

There is a hell of lot we can do in response.

- The EU twice imposed huge fines on Microsoft for monopoly prctices.

- Bush can impose an arms embargo on them etc.,etc.

Do you not suspect the oil barons in the US (and Bush is one of them) really want these huge prices and to Hell with the country and World economy?Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?
Oil companies have gotten billions of dollars in incentives for years. They still haven't come up with an alternative to oil. Are they just sitting on this money? Many individuals have come up with their own solutions. They are the ones that need our investments. No taxation without representation ring a bell?Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?
What makes you think they don't already OWN the west?
its hard to drill through glass to get oil
we love our cars to much

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