Dick Cheney and George W Bush are socking away as much money as they can from their big oil investments before they leave office.Why has the price of oil risen by over 40 dollars and 80 cents since Democrats took control of congress?
the minute people start to believe that oil companies need to be ';punished'; by having their profits garnished.................they will raise their prices to cover their losses
Corporations don't pay taxes, they just raise their prices and you pay their taxes for them
Neither Bush nor Congress controls the price of oil.
The two major factors influencing the price of oil are increased global demand (caused by growing China and India), and the falling dollar (caused by low interest rates).
Neither of these factors are controlled by either branch.
Neither the Congress or the President can control the price of oil but they can help drive the price up by taxing gasoline,by preventing the oil companies from building new refineries and not letting them drill where we know there is oil. The problem is the politicians when running for office like to tell us how they will bring the price down and people believe them but once they are in office they forget about getting the price down because they know that they can't keep their promise so then they start telling us that the price will stay up so that we will conserve. Because of the promises that they make people believe that they have control of the price of the oil.
OPEC has more control over the oil flow than my rep from OH.
Actually they have all the control over it.
The price of oil has absolutely NOTHING to do with who controls the Congress of the USA.
One easy to figure out reason is that China is using more oil, and so is India and some other developing countries. Also, oil refinement hasn't kept up with oil demand.
You are right.
It's definitely not the war.
Or big oil, the Saudi's, war profiteers...
It's probably 'libs' (whatever the hell that is).
They are trying their best to lower the price of gas, they keep raising the price of oil but the price of gasoline does not go down, go figure.!~!
Good point. I see Congress subpenoing Oil companie execs to grill them about the topic...
what I dont see is those same clowns in Congress who are MORE responsible for the price of oil than those execs....
answering to the American people for this mess!
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