Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Should the Oil strategic reserve be released to reduce the current oil price ?

No. It won't affect gas prices at all and the US needs that reserve in case of a real emergency.Should the Oil strategic reserve be released to reduce the current oil price ?
The strategic oil reserve was created to allow the MILITARY to have fuel in time of war if we were cut off from all outside sources. If the ENTIRE reserve was released, it would not supply CIVILIAN usage for a week. At BEST any reduction in price would be EXTREMELY short term.

Since your question inherently admits that increasing supply is the way to decrease cost, you should support domestic drilling EVERYWHERE we can find oil. The means ANWAR, OFF shore, ON shore, and anywhere not included in the above. While we are at it, mine coal, build nuclear plants, and if there are any other energy sources that actually WORK, develop them as well. Actually the only GOVERNMENT action is to get out of the way and let 'greedy' corporations fight over anything that will sell for more than it costs.Should the Oil strategic reserve be released to reduce the current oil price ?
Yes and No, I believe if it could cause a sharp sudden decrease in the value of oil it would drive speculators out of the oil market.

Unfortunately, I have been informed the reserve does not contain enough oil to accomplish that, it would be a trivial decrease for approximately a month.
Oil prices have been ';fixed'; to cause voter anxiety. There is nothing that can be done.

No matter where the finger points, there is no entity or condition responsible for gas prices.

The only conclusion to draw is that prices are arbitrarily set by gasoline wholesalers i.e. oil refining companies.

They own the president and he does not care about us.
No. We should conserve. People like me with a yaris should pay $1.50 per gallon (Prius $1.00). People with a big SUV or some other gas pig should pay $8.00 per gallon as a fine for using more than their fair share of a dwindling resourse.

The big gas hogs should pay for those who conserve by owning efficient cars.
Wouldn't even make a dent in the gasoline prices.

We have to face the fact that we are being gouged big time, with the complacency of the Bush-Cheney oil cartel, and there isn't much we can do about it until next year when we can't start indicting these crooks.
no, that is in place for an emergency, not high prices.

We need to drill the oil we have access to in this country, and off it's shores, and in about 5 years, we will be energy independent, allowing us to strive towards alternate power sources.
they just found a 10-15 million cubic feet of natural gas in east, texas. with that, i think that will help out a lot.

as for opening the US oil reserve, i think we should wait a little longer.
No. It would have no effect on current prices. It is meant as a strategic reserve, not as a prices-are-high-so-we-all-complain reserve.
No, It wouldn't Help! The only way to ease our climbing prices is to start drilling our own oil instead of relying on outside sources. Stupid Environmentalists...
its not about oil guys, its about GASOLINE... we need to invest in companies who will build more refineries, and lift the tax strain off them so they can do their job to refine all that crude oil into gasoline faster
No. It's a short term band aid on a systemic problem. Try reducing demand... that works as well as increasing demand for cutting prices.
No. More People Will Use Oil.

Oil Isn't Good For The Environment.

No! If the oil prices go down before the election it will hurt the Dems
NO we should drill our own first

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