Friday, July 30, 2010

Why has the price of oil risen by over 40 dollars and 80 cents since Democrats took control of congress?

Don't say the war, it's been going on for over 5 years and hasn't hiked like this during those years. And don't say Bush, he has no real authority over matters that REQUIRE legislative control.Why has the price of oil risen by over 40 dollars and 80 cents since Democrats took control of congress?
Dick Cheney and George W Bush are socking away as much money as they can from their big oil investments before they leave office.Why has the price of oil risen by over 40 dollars and 80 cents since Democrats took control of congress?
the minute people start to believe that oil companies need to be ';punished'; by having their profits garnished.................they will raise their prices to cover their losses

Corporations don't pay taxes, they just raise their prices and you pay their taxes for them
Neither Bush nor Congress controls the price of oil.

The two major factors influencing the price of oil are increased global demand (caused by growing China and India), and the falling dollar (caused by low interest rates).

Neither of these factors are controlled by either branch.
Neither the Congress or the President can control the price of oil but they can help drive the price up by taxing gasoline,by preventing the oil companies from building new refineries and not letting them drill where we know there is oil. The problem is the politicians when running for office like to tell us how they will bring the price down and people believe them but once they are in office they forget about getting the price down because they know that they can't keep their promise so then they start telling us that the price will stay up so that we will conserve. Because of the promises that they make people believe that they have control of the price of the oil.
OPEC has more control over the oil flow than my rep from OH.

Actually they have all the control over it.
The price of oil has absolutely NOTHING to do with who controls the Congress of the USA.

One easy to figure out reason is that China is using more oil, and so is India and some other developing countries. Also, oil refinement hasn't kept up with oil demand.
You are right.

It's definitely not the war.

Or big oil, the Saudi's, war profiteers...

It's probably 'libs' (whatever the hell that is).
They are trying their best to lower the price of gas, they keep raising the price of oil but the price of gasoline does not go down, go figure.!~!
Good point. I see Congress subpenoing Oil companie execs to grill them about the topic...

what I dont see is those same clowns in Congress who are MORE responsible for the price of oil than those execs....

answering to the American people for this mess!
  • eye cream
  • What should be done about the price of oil, short term and long term?

    I think we can almost all agree that the cost of gas is outrageous, but what to do about it seems to cause some debate. So what should be done in the short term and long term to help with this? How should it be done? Who should be in charge of it?What should be done about the price of oil, short term and long term?
    Short-term: close the foreign exchange loophole that allows unaudited commodity trades to occur and make sure the CFTC is staffed and funded along with the SEC.

    Long-term: develop alternative fuels like bio-diesel and ethanol from switchgrass, clean-coal technology, and increase alternative energy write-offs at the commercial and private levels to make electric energy an affordable alternative to heating oil.

    CAFE standards have been raised, but you might look at moving up the time-table on that one.

    There should be a serious effort to address both fossil fuel dependency and anthropogenic climate change that is akin to the Apollo program to put a man on the moon for the mid-term.What should be done about the price of oil, short term and long term?
    There are many things we can do. First get Bush out of the white house... and everything else will fall in place.

    Don't expect oil to fall. You have insurance in case you die?

    insurance for your car, home...? Then just buy some oil ETF's

    For example, if oil goes to 200, and you invest just $2k. The difference you'll profit will offset the increase in gas and food. I started doing this at Bush's inaguration. I turned $4500 into almost $30k in seven years and I'm still long. But, I will be buying some short term puts to insure the short-term downside.

    All you have to do is travel anywhere wheter it be abroad or domestic to see the increase in demand for oil. As the world becomes smaller and emerging markets grow, so will the demand for oil. Moreover, we in America are just spoiled and wasteful and will suffer because of it. Just hop on any interstate east of the Mississippi and you'll see people doing 80-90mph. Yet, they complain when they pull up to the gas pump. Want to save gas and affect demand... Slow TF down, conserve, recycle, and don't waste.
    The department of agriculture could build methane collection systems on all large city sewage processing systems. The methane collected could be turned into methanol, and sold into the market by the government, that could use the income to balance its budget instead of raising taxes. This will not be a waste, because methane collection will pprvent it from being released into the atmosphere, and can also be used for other things once autos don't rely on fossil fuels, so it can still be sold after Middle East Oil is nothing but a memory.

    this create these benefits:

    1) reclamation of greenhouse gases

    2) increase government revenue without taxation

    This makes everyone happy.

    This can be the system used to keep gas prices low, until the Next Generation Nulcear Plants are perfected and ready to power our homes, and make our hydrogen fuel for us.

    Drilling our own oil isn't going to do a thing, since it will still be sold on the world market, where OPEC wil be all too happy to cut production. That would only work, if we already had an isolationist approach to oil industries.
    Wannahug nailed this one, I would only add that they need to ban the exporting of our oil overseas immediately. We are the fifth largest oil exporter in the world. The oil companies export the oil to get a better price for it overseas, and to keep it in short supply here at home , thereby keeping the price at the pump high.
    The price is outrageous because the demand exceeds the supply. If the US began supplying its own oil, or if we began to use the resourse more judiciously, the price would come down. In spite of $4.00 gasoline, I still saw Hemis hauling large boats this past holiday. As long as the mentality is ';screw the Arabs, I'm gonna have my fun';, the price of gasoline will continue to rise.
    We cant make emerging powers stop using it so there goes that idea. We should have drilled our own and still can- we can get fuel from coal easily as well

    Short/medium= drill all our resources and use coal,

    medium/long= nuclear and invest in true renewable sources of energy rather than politically driven solutions like ethanol which is neither efficient or effective
    Drill, Drill, Drill and build refineries.

    Cut off all taxes for the short term, state federal, local and county.
    If we don't drill for oil now, were gonna have another great depression, this is ridiculous and stupid Thanks tree huggin Dem's !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Take over Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. That is the only real answer or find an alternate energy source

    Why will it take 10 years for offshore drilling to bring down oil price

    That's what Mr Obama is saying. Personally, I don't understand why it will take that long. If you do, please explain in defense of Mr Obama.

    I think, we should pursue BOTH offshore drilling and alternative energy. Both will take time to take effect. Alternative energy requires change in our societal and economic infrastructure. That means vast change over long period of time. Personally, I think offshore drilling will be faster in bringing down gas price)Why will it take 10 years for offshore drilling to bring down oil price
    If the rising price of oil is due in part to speculators, then the price could go down much quicker, especially if it appears that we will have a greater supply of oil in the future.

    Speculation is all based on where they think the price of oil will be in the future.Why will it take 10 years for offshore drilling to bring down oil price
    According to geologists and experts in oil and gas, drilling offshore will take at least ten years to reach the open market. In fact, the oil companies with their current record-breaking profits, are not terribly interested in exploring, drilling, and refining more oil, because the process is extremely expensive and would erode their massive revenues. In addition, the U.S. would not be the only future beneficiary from any oil that is refined, since this fuel would be on the global market. The U.S. is addicted to oil, which in some cases ends up in the accounts of terrorist states. If our government would step up and raise CAFE standards, enact laws that would provide tax incentives for buying hybrid autos, and urge conservation, along with thwarting the oil and gas lobbyists by properly funding research for alternative fuel sources, we would be on our way to solving our vital national security and economic problems.
    Speculation is the problem. Bush just removed the Presidential ban on offshore drilling and the price went down. NOTHING HAPPENED he just said it and the speculator ran. If the congress follows suit the price will plummet. Then we need to stop speculation in the energy markets.

    It will take a lot less then 10 years that is just Bull from the left. And if it did take ten years SO what it is a start.

    All this needs to be followed up with nuclear and an overall energy plan.
    It wouldn't.

    I find it really difficult to believe that a country like ours, the same one that in 4 years were the major players in bringing Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to their knees when we were no where near war ready, can't start producing from new sites in a few years.

    Even if it did take ten years so what? It'll take longer than that to get all the alternative stuff going.

    If we had started 10 years ago when it was put up to a vote and Clinton and Gore shot it down, we'd be benefiting from it today.
    It wont. There are already oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico that are completely operational. They just need to be able to start drilling again.

    IMO if we open up the federal reserve and start using that immediatly and replace what we use as we drill. THEN we can spend the billions of dollars we will be saving on research and development on alternative energy sources and the debt our country is in.
    it doesn't,they say that to make it a non issue but if incentive is there anything is possible.look at the number of ships and planes that were built during WWII let army corp of engineers drill and process the oil,it will get done faster and help to pay down national debt
    Because it will take 8 years for Democrats to vote.

    It is not that easy to fit the vote between vacations.

    Very smart move. Pelosi and the Dems in Congress want a 5 week vacation when the average Joe can't afford one because of the high gas prices Congress won't do anything about.ll
    Because in 10 years we will have another Energy Source up and running.

    You don't hear anyone squalking about the price of Hay do you. Or oats for horses. That was the transportation fuel of the 19th century.
    Obama says a lot of things you can't believe. Around 5 years is more realistic, and what he avoids mentioning is that alternative technologies will take much longer.
    It's paying Peter to pay Paul. The oil companies get tax $s to explore, drill and sell to the highest bidder. The USA is not in the equasion except to pay taxes to gov to oil to market.
    It took only a few days for Bush to lower prices by opening up offshore drilling. The market forces don't strictly depend on supply, seemingly. Just think what actual offshore drilling would do.
    It doesn't. The Dems are all smoke and mirrors and just like the economy, everything is just horrid.

    Read the link provided:
    how long do you think it takes to erect an oil rig, all the planning, infrastructure to support the new oil?
    I agree. I think we should drill, as soon as we drill, the prices will go down once people realize that supply will soon increase.
    It wonrt take 10 years...Obama was lying...gee what a him ya can tell when he lies....HIS LIPS MOVE

    Affect of the weakening of the dollar on the price of oil?

    I often hear these days that because the price of a barrel of oil is denominated in dollars, when the dollar weakens, the price of oil goes up.

    I can see why that is so, but does that mean that the price of oil for other countries (like in Europe) should not change for them since the dollar is weakening against their currencies?Affect of the weakening of the dollar on the price of oil?
    Exactly. But only up to a point.

    The U.S. has seen greater changes in the price of oil than have the Europeans because the U.S. sees both the changes due to the weakening of the dollar and the changes due to increased demand, while Europeans have seen only the changes due to increased demand.

    On the other hand, in reality, the changes in price due to the changes in demand have been more important. Oil went from $20 to over $140 dollars per barrel between 2002 and 2008:鈥?/a>

    That is a factor of 7. In that period, the exchange rate between the dollar and the Euro has only changed by about 60%:鈥?/a>

    So while the U.S. saw an increase of 7X, Europe ';only'; saw an increase of 4X - significantly less, but still very, very, painful.Affect of the weakening of the dollar on the price of oil?
    The dollar and oil move pretty much in the same direction. And the dollar is weak, it's been getting much stronger over the last six months or so. The price of oil in virtual every currency is less now than six months ago.

    Can someone please explain in simple terms why the price of oil keeps increasing?

    Also the knock on effect of this.Can someone please explain in simple terms why the price of oil keeps increasing?
    Although demand for oil is increasing all the time, the recent rapid rise in the price of oil is not really reflective of this. There are basically two reasons for the rapid increase: speculation, and the declining value of the US dollar.

    Speculation can drive the price of anything sky high, out of all proportion to any valid market value. This kind of speculation tends to create what are called ';bubbles,'; a rapidly expanding, but ephemeral, value that eventually bursts like a bubble, causing the price of the commodity to return to more reasonable levels. This can be seen in everything from the recent housing bubble to the European tulip bulb mania of the 17th Century, when prices on tulip bulbs went through the roof based on rampant speculation (no, I'm not making this up).

    The second reason for the price rise, the decline in the value of the US dollar, is the result of the fact that oil is traded on the international market using dollars as the medium of exchange. When the value of the dollar declines, that means it has less purchasing power, so the price of everything bought with dollars goes up, even if supply and demand remain the same.

    These two factors account for the vast majority of the price increase. Eventually, this bubble, too, will burst, and oil prices will decline to a more reasonable level. Unfortunately, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better, and even when the price does go back down, it still could very well be in the $80 range.Can someone please explain in simple terms why the price of oil keeps increasing?

    These are people (some times organisations) who 'gamble' on what items will be in demand.

    They 'buy' up the future resources and then control the release.

    Many businesses do this at all sorts of levels, for example if a supermarket does a 'deal' with a farmer to take his crop of potatoes at a certain price there is an element of speculation involved. Before they make the deal both parties will look at what other factors might have an effect.

    In this example this would include expected rainfall/crop yield on a world wide basis. Expected demand and ease of harvesting and distribution.

    In the case of oil the speculators get involved at all levels from exploration, through extraction and refinement etc.

    They have realised (a long time ago) that oil is the key to the development of many countries trying to combat absolute poverty through technological advancement.

    These people and organisations control fast amounts of wealth and look forward and either do deals or provide the finance to do the deals.

    Can it all go wrong? Certainly two years ago oil was only about $25 a barrel which was about a third of its value in the oil crisis in the 70's

    As for knock on effects our modern world depends upon rapid travel and transport (tourism and movement of goods)

    all of which are driven by engines using oil.

    So everything you use or buy or do requires the use of fossil fuels, the most 'powerful' of which is oil.

    The speculation is around the sense of panic created by the environmental lobby that keeps on about finite resources and climate change, both of which are 'trueisms' but neither of which are understood in absolute terms.

    This is what creates the uncertainty that the speculators are exploiting.

    Which basically means you have to look at how you have been living your life and start to think what is really important and adjust your spending accordingly.

    For many that means don't borrow (even if you could get someone to lend it to you) and have less material possessions and shorter holidays.

    Now compare that to the starving millions being beaten up in Zimbabwe and ask yourself do we really have a problem or are we just guilty of over indulgence?

    And yes I aslo fall into the guilty bracket.
    There are a lot of factors, no one reason. It depends who you talk to.

    But basically, increasing worldwide demand for oil, a diminishing non-sustainable resource and global instability.

    We are very dependent on oil for almost everything, most worryingly food, as farm machinery, transportation and even packaging all require oil.
    It's partially due to the instability in the Middle East but a large part of the price increases is due to speculation. In a way, it's like the housing market. People kept paying increasingly ridiculous prices for houses until they could no longer afford them. The housing market tanked and prices are now going down. It was a bubble and it looks like the rising oil prices are also a bubble which will burst at some point in the future. The prices will go down but I don't believe they will ever go down to the levels they were in 1999 and 2000. They might go down a dollar or a dollar and a half but I don't expect any more than that. After all, the prices never went back down to the levels they were before the late 1970s oil embargo.
    OPEC states how many barrels each oil platform can pump each day. Platforms cannot exceed this limit as it will then push the price of oil down.

    The following things affect oil prices:-

    The American 'Driving Season'.

    Oil pipelines being attacked (happens *a lot*).

    Tanker strikes.

    As soon as output is reduced, prices shoot up, people think petrol stations are going to run dry so they drive out to the petrol stations and panic buy, causing the prices to be increased even more.

    Also, the oil reserves are slowly drying up so we need to go further and further afield for stocks. This costs more, hence higher oil prices.
    Speculation. People on this post that have said ';due to diminishing supply';, and or ';War with the Middle East'; are in essence or only partly wrong.

    There is enough oil to last for the next 200 years, humans are only tapping 30% as of now--so yes there are limited supplies currently in markets. Speculation has driven the economic cycle of supply and demand through the roof. But as with all economics the laws will kick in place, economic laws that is. When total aggregate market demand for an item is in-elastic (in-elastic: price does not control quantity supplied), then the supply can fluctuate without check. I agree you will never see $2.50 or $3.00 gas again, but this does not mean it is a bad thing due to inflation. Consumers will end up having income increased eventually to offset higher prices. Luckily our inflation is pretty much nothing compared to Argentina or South American countries. Inflation there is daily and drastic, or at least was but can be given the right circumstances. You are paying only $.50 more than you did two years ago. Which equates to roughly $7 extra per tank of gas on a 14 gallon gas tank. What is $7, nothing compared to what you spend on items you really do not need. Cigarettes, lotto, designer clothes, Starbucks, etc....... Even if you only make minimum wage you are only out 1.5 h of salary, or you could work 1.5 hours more a week to offset the price of gas.
    High fuel prices and food prices are the US indirectly offloading its post-war deficits on the rest of the World.

    We're actually paying to let them steal Iraq's oil and thus inevitably from us as well.

    This is the price of globalisation and the purpose of American promotion of democracy across the World.

    Boycott America, Americans and American goods. Its the right thing to do.
    Half of our money paid at pump goes to Wall Street speculators. And we can not hear or read main media reporting them. We are kept in the dark

    “Testifying to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management said that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal cost of around $65 to $75 a barrel, about half the current $135.”…
    I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

    Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

    Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

    Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

    China hikes fuel prices…

    China to raise energy prices…

    But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

    For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
    People invest in what are termed 'Futures'.

    They try to predict which commodities will increase in price in the near future.

    At the moment they are actually betting on what the price of a barrel of oil will be in the future.

    It is in their interest to force up the price of oil to as high a price as they can get.

    The link below explains it a lot better.

    This refers to the Canadian market but is the basis all around the world.

    'U.S. regulator the CFTC, under pressure from lawmakers, has announced a task force to explore commodity activity. It also announced a deal this week with its British counterpart to limit trading on oil futures on London's ICE exchange'
    It is bcaz it increases the governments income. it is a government's source of income like income tax. keeps a check on the consumption of oil as oil presently by survey will vanish in a say about 70 yrs time.
    I believe that when all is said and done about these gas prices we are going to find that there was a small group of controlling people who caused these gas hikes. It just seems to me that these ';all of a sudden'; escalating prices were a controlled event.
    The less we are willing to drill for it the more speculators know there will be less of it and the higher the futures contracts get bid up because they are assured of more of a shortage in the future.
    Lol. Because oil won't be the mainstream fuel for much longer, and the money behind the oil enterprises want to get as much bang for their buck as possible
    Greed and every other reason posted here.
    because we keep buying it! If we stopped buying - the price would fall greatly.
    because we are in war with the people who are giving it to us.
    Because someone needs to balance the books of war... and WE KEEP PAYING FOR IT.
    coz we won the war.
    There is less to go round the more we use it ?

    How come when you turn to any financial station they emphasize the price of oil and gold?

    I don't understand why these are so important?How come when you turn to any financial station they emphasize the price of oil and gold?
    Oil is like the blood of the world's economy. Whatever happens to the price of oil will invariably effect the entire economy. The price of Gold is useful because it's an indicator of how people feel about the economy. If the price of Gold is rising that means people are buying more and pushing the price up. This could indicate they are fearful of investing in the stock market or elsewhere. Gold is safe. If the price is falling then it could mean people are selling their gold and investing elsewhere.

    Bottom line...oil and gold are indicators of where the economy is headed.

    Is there any link between 'crude oil price' and 'gold price'?

    What is behind the gold price hike?Is there any link between 'crude oil price' and 'gold price'?
    No direct relationship between oil and gold prices. Recent gold price hikes are mostly associated to increased capital market volatilities and a declining dollar. Investment in in shares or bank deposits is too fragile. Gold is believed to be able to keep the value when when money markets fail. So, when everyone is rushing for gold while it's supply is limited, the law of demand and supply apply - prices increase
  • eye cream
  • Why is the price of oil at the pump going down, even if the price of a barrel remains the same?

    Doesn't that logic fly in the face of the ';Supply/Demand'; BS that we keep being fed?Why is the price of oil at the pump going down, even if the price of a barrel remains the same?
    A couple of reasons off the bat.

    First, people are learning that Iran is actually trying to

    flood the market with cheap oil. So much for the

    WMD theory.

    Second, the Rockefeller/Rothschild cabal is putting a

    big push on the National Drivers License. This will be

    a little tricky when folks are ';ticked';

    And lest i forget. Israel is demanding that the US pay for

    their universal health care in euro's. I guess IMF will have

    to collect more traffic ticket money and charge more at

    the pump in order to pay in dollars. 94-564Why is the price of oil at the pump going down, even if the price of a barrel remains the same?
    it dropped 2 cents here today so who knows ,it kind of shoots their theory of it being higher down though,i was surprised to see a drop in price with it going higher on the barrel,i heard in several small towns and other places that it also dropped,kind of makes you wonder doesn't it,good luck.
    No, it doesn't. Your question is phrased in such a way that the demand has not decreased, which it has been some, but more in some areas than others. If demand drops without increasing supply, so will the price. It is still going up and down here and varies A LOT depending on the area I'm in. I will usually see anywhere from 2 cents to just over 10/gal difference depending on where I am.

    There were a couple of news stories about how train ticket sales are increasing rapidly since it is now starting to cost less than driving. People are starting to drop
    i know what you mean, at my gas station it was $4.55 a day or so ago and now its $4.53. i think its just a mind game because it goes down a few cents, then it goes up gain by like 10- 15 cents to make up for it
    I am going to have a Guess here!

    Could it have something to do with the fact the there maybe an election in the USA sometime soon!?!

    Naarr! Can't be that, Can it?
    Because they can see that the people are growing weary of the high prices, and they want to avoid an uprising of sorts.

    The Illuminati won't be too happy, you see...
    Yep! It's all part of the esoteric agenda known as the N.W.O. being devised by a group of world leaders called Bilderburg.
    Yes....just got gas today...$4.25.

    Last week $4.39.

    Now, we all know it has nothing to

    do with S%26amp;D.
    HUH? Gas is going higher every day around here...

    Did the Democrat vote machine drive up the price of oil to win the election?

    funny how it started going up as soon as Pelosi and Reid took over, and dropped right back down after obamarx won.Did the Democrat vote machine drive up the price of oil to win the election?
    Yes.Did the Democrat vote machine drive up the price of oil to win the election?
    Sadly for you, since you obviously don't understand who owns the oil money in the U.S. the Dems don't have much to do with oil prices. However, the price did drop just before the election, seems like the rich oil publicans tried to swing the voters to the GOP before the election and it didn't work. Look for them to raise it after the prez elect is sworn in so people like you can claim the new prez caused it to go up. Peace.
    Actually you have a point there, although as 'powerful'; as the Democrats think they are, I doubt they controlled the price of oil, although Bubba Clinton does have some questionable ties to the Saudis like bloated Al Gore does and could have struck a deal with them.

    Don't blame me I didn't vote for the junior marxist with no experience
    Dear lord, conservatives are as stupid as liberals.

    McCain condemned corporate greed, you follow Obama in his theory that oil companies or whoever else can control the price of oil.

    That guy on your avatar was a pretty good economist. Maybe you should read some of his books.
    It started to drop before Obama was elected. As soon as Obama talked about clean energy, and Pickens talked about wind power, they got scared and dropped it. Don't put the current administration screw ups on Obama.
    Maybe. But it WAS the Democrats in power that were in control of FANNYMAE and FREDDYMAC. Who's to say that they didn't create the ';financial crisis'; to drive Obama over the top
    Yeah, funny how it shot up when greedy Republican stock speculators bought up lots of stock, then when they sold it off for big bucks, the price plummeted.
    it was dropping since almost labor day...2 months before the election. If anything, you could make the counterargument, that it would help the Republicans
    You honostly think he controls the prices of oil? LOL

    do us all a favor and get off the interwebs
    One has NOTHING to with the other, take an economics class.
    Bush was done filling his he out,,it's dropped..think some more....
    Hmmmmm......Fool!! thats what you are
    I shall nominate you for the Most Stupid Smear award.

    How does the price of oil have anything to do with the price of gasoline?

    oil is needed to make gasoline.....the higher the bushel of oil, the higher the price of gas goes.How does the price of oil have anything to do with the price of gasoline?
    oil is the raw product..gasoline is the refine product..

    e.g. cocoa..the raw product..chocolate the refined product,.okay..How does the price of oil have anything to do with the price of gasoline?
    Gas is made from oil - oil rises, ergo, gas rises.
    You can't be serious about this one. But if you are here you go. Economics 101:

    The price of your ';raw materials'; directly afftects you ';bottom line'; or ';profit margin'; . Simply put if a company makes a product the more they have to pay for the materials used to produce said product then they will adjust the price they charge so that they can mantain a health profit margin. In other words oil is the raw material, gasoline is the product, if the refinery has to pay more for the oil you pay more for the gas.
    They don't just pump gas right out of the ground!!! Theymake it FROM oil!!!

    Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?

    You'd have to be a complete moron to think that after what we've seen over the past year!Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?
    Um. Because in the past year, I've seen crude prices rise, and gas prices rise. Then saw crude drop, and gas prices follow downward? If there was no connection, why would gas prices drop by half when crude fell? Do you think gas suppliers are willing to lose money to trick you, or just being nice?Why do people STILL believe there's a connection between the price of oil and the cost of gas?
    Sure there鈥檚 a connection, it鈥檚 just not the only thing that drives the market. Because of the environmental lobby in this country, we haven鈥檛 built any new refineries since the 70鈥檚. That makes it hard to refine enough crude into gas to fill the demand in the summer months. Also, because of our policy NOT to drill domestically, we are forced to import most of our oil from OPEC. OPEC sets the price of a barrel of oil, and since they are a monopoly, they can charge whatever they want. In fact, in the summer months when our demand rises, they deliberately reduce production to drive the price up.
    Yeah it was pretty obvious last summer as demand decreased, supply increased and the price jumped up 50% that there was no longer any correlation between the two.

    60 Minutes had a great piece a few weeks ago and explained that major investment banks purchased large oil tank farms, hired former Enron traders who knew how to manipulate the market, and used it to their advantage to run up the price of oil.

    Of course, when the price collapsed, those investment banks lined up at the trough in DC for their bailout.
    What really controls the price of oil?

    OPEC and oil speculators.

    And the price of gas is high because of the lack of refineries in this country. This time of year they have to convert from producing gasoline to producing fuel oil to heat homes.

    Unless we build more refineries and tap our own resources (drilling with in our own borders and using Coal Shale) we are at the mercy of OPEC and speculators.
    There's a connection, but not the normal one and not a natural one.鈥?/a>
    It's not the sole connection, but you'd have to be a complete moron to think that gasoline--a by-product of oil--is completely unaffected by the price of its source as well.
    Dude, the price of a barrel of oil has dropped dramatically over the past year due lowering demand...the price of gas in my town has gone from 4.00 to under 2.00...what more proof do you need that they are connected?
    There is a connection. Are you saying that it's a pure coincidence that gas prices go up whenever oil prices go up? It happens too many times to be coincidence.
    Okay your statement might have some truth to it if you can tell me that the price of a shirt does not go up because of the increase in the cost of cotton.
    There's a direct correlation b/n Crude and Gasoline prices. It might not be immediate -- but they mirror each other over time.

    Crude is refined into gasoline.

    Is there something I'm missing in your argument...would you care to elaborate?
    because most people are stupid and believe anything on the tube. the thing that get me is these people already have all the money they need to do anything they want. the only thing left is the control other people. people you better wake up
    They are related but not mutually exclusive. Over the last 2 weeks oil has gone down to less than $33 a barrel yet gas started to creep up $.20 a gallon.
    so you don't believe in the laws of supply and demand , that's your problem . don't expect us to live with your delusions.
    Supply and demand is a thing of the past. Today's prices are set at the highest point a company thinks they can get away with and still have people buy their product.
    Why don't you clue us in on your delusional thought process.
    they are like the same thing you dolt!
    I don't know.

    Please tell us your theory on how the two aren't related.

    What a surprise the price of oil is going up?

    what the election is over, 1 couldn't have to do with the other could it

    here comes 4 dollars againWhat a surprise the price of oil is going up?
    It's been bouncing all week, or haven't you been paying attention? I'd say it has a lot more to do with some of the OPEC nations cutting production, but that's just me, logical thinker that I am.What a surprise the price of oil is going up?
    Congress is TRYING to get the oil companies to reduce production by 50%!!! Do you remember the Carter years? Welcome my friend! What morons!
    Its $1.85 here in Texas

    Why is the oil price going down?

    I read somewhere that, Oil price depends on supply and demand. When oil price was high, it was said that India and china was responsible for increased demand, and now what happened. Are all the people in India and China dead? so all the transportation around the world has stopped or what ? so there is no demand now or what ?. no body is using oil now? What will happen to billion dollar profitable business to the Exxon mobile ? who is playing this game? Is the biogas reponsible for this ?Why is the oil price going down?
    It is strictly economics. Demand recedes and price goes down. It is still true, contrary to the assertions of the racist ex-crackhead Marxist.Why is the oil price going down?
    I summary:

    1. Barry got elected

    2. Investors fearing Barry's economic plan, got out of American markets

    3. With investor dollars gone, Business which relied on those dollars have to tighten belts

    4. Tightened belts results in layoffs (loss of jobs)

    5 No jobs means no gas used to get there (the job location)

    6. No gas used means supplies of gas (oil) increase

    7. As the supplies increase producers cut prices to sell (move) it

    In effect, Barry has helped lower the price of gas, of course if your one of the projected 14 million job losses over the next 4 years you will have a bit more to worry about then if gas is 2,00 or 10,00, like how to get a potato to eat.

    world wide economic slow down and the greedy profiteers realizing that they may have killed the golden goose and trying to backpedal.
    right now the world economy is going down

    that demand is dropping

    and the inventories are building

    so to sell the oil just sitting there

    prices must come down
    They sucked the economy dry.People spent their money buying gas and everything else went broke.
    The republicans are leaving the white house so they can no longer skim a little of the top.

  • eye cream
  • When the economy shows even a hint of recovery, will the price of oil shoot up to 150 dollars a barrel again?

    Are we doomed to a permanent entrapment between recession on one hand, and hyper commodity inflation on the other?

    It's not just oil either. It's food, steel, oil, copper, everything shoots up 300% just because the economy is booming.When the economy shows even a hint of recovery, will the price of oil shoot up to 150 dollars a barrel again?
    It is unlikely that oil will shoot up to $150 per barrel. The increase in oil price was a bubble. That bubble has burst, perhaps permanently. In the past, it has been that when bubbles burst, the asset will remain at its new level after the burst of the bubble stabilizes. For example, during the dot-com bubble, Microsoft, Dell, and Intel among others were selling stocks at over $100 per share. Now, their stocks sell for relatively low prices. It is unlikely that we will ever see share prices for these companies like those seen during the dot-com bubble.

    Bubbles burst when an asset becomes overvalued and investors lose confidence in the value of an asset. The increase in oil prices to $150 was due largely to speculation. After many traders burnt their fingers the first time around, it is unlikely that they will make the same mistake twice. A bubble is a period of rapid growth. Usually, bubbles do not repeat themselves for the same asset. So therefore, while the price of oil will definitely increase, it will not shoot up to $150 per barrel. In other words, we will not see a bull market for oil, i.e. there will not be a price spike. The gains will be quite gradual. If oil reaches $150 per barrel, it will likely be due to factors more fundamental such as supply vs. demand rather than speculation.

    Also, if Obama is the least bit smart, he will understand that the price spikes in oil are proof that aggressive research must be conducted into alternative energy sources. If the right steps are taken, such as emergence of alternative energy, it may be possible that oil will never reach $150 per barrel.When the economy shows even a hint of recovery, will the price of oil shoot up to 150 dollars a barrel again?
    No we are not doomed. Just go back to the fact that about 1982-83 this country had rampant inflation and a severe recession. It responded by creating sound money and lowering tax rates. The longest, almost uninterrupted period of growth in history followed. Of course, today we are raising tax rates and rapidly inflating the money supply. So perhaps we are doomed.
    Obama FLOODED the world with 3X the existing amount of US currency.

    WHEN the markets turn around, all that EXTRA cash is going to propel us into MASS INFLATION.

    Love him or hate him.... Obama has created a horrible monster in the US Economy. We need to do everything we can to FREEZE the ';bailout'; money before we commit economic suicide.
    No, but it will go up inevitably.

    I would definitely say now is a good time to buy and wait until we dig ourselves in another ditch with overspending and over consuming... then we'll all sell and be able to keep our houses this time.
    You aren't going to have to worry about the economy showing even a hint of recovery.
    I feel you on that..
    i dont think so...:)

    Since fabric softener uses petro in it basiclly oil... would the price of oil go down if everyone stopped usin

    using fabric softener? I dont use it and my laundry not only smeels clean but I dont have any static cling. Also all that petro is not going into my skin over the years and going into my organs.Since fabric softener uses petro in it basiclly oil... would the price of oil go down if everyone stopped usin
    The price wouldn't go down, the government would find an excuse to keep the price high. Seventh Generation sells petrochemical free softeners and laundry soaps. These are vegetable based eco-friendly products.I use their product and they work great.

    www.seventhgeneration.comSince fabric softener uses petro in it basiclly oil... would the price of oil go down if everyone stopped usin
    No, the price wouldn't be affected by everybody not using fabric softener. There are literally thousand of products that are made from petroleum. There are high-cost medical devices that cost thousands of dollars that are made from petro. Fabric softener is relatively cheap compared to these. It would be nice if we could find a way to reduce the price of oil, though, and quickly!

    Anyone shocked that cruid oil prices took asharp 7 % price drop?

    and do you think it could be good or detimental to economic growth and im not talking about just the us economy.Anyone shocked that cruid oil prices took asharp 7 % price drop?
    It just goes to show that there's no reason why the price of oil has to be this high. Take a look at the following quote from this yahoo news story:鈥?/a>

    ';Oil prices settled sharply lower for the second time in a row Wednesday, leaving crude more than $10 cheaper in just two days of frenzied trading and prompting speculation that the hard-charging market may be running out of steam.';

    See that? It's all about speculation! If the economy seems fit enough to handle a gasoline cost increase, those ruthless oil tyrants will gladly raise the price. It is only until after we, the innocent citizens, are forced to endure this financial torture so horrifically, that those greedy tycoons finally realize the stupidity and selfishness of their actions, and the woes that those actions have cost.Anyone shocked that cruid oil prices took asharp 7 % price drop?
    I'm happy for 2 reasons one that me and everyone has suffered long enough and two may those criminal speculators get whats coming
    No %26lt; I see more price decreases, the Republicans are in deep trouble , there will be an attempt to manipulate it down before the election. Dont get excite dit will go back up no matter who wins, but for different reasons.
    It's just going to go back up always does... :(

    I'm glad I drive a honda civic!

    What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?

    Right so I know that petrol prices are getting a bit daft. Currently a barrel of oil is something like $140, and is set to possibly reach $250 by next year.

    But why? What started it all, and why cant the oil companies just stop rising the price? Is there some kind of vicious cycle or catch-22 that they're stuck in which means they cant do anything about how much their own oil costs?What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?
    Well, there is valueless American dollar which drives the price up since it takes more dollars to equal euros or any other currency. There is speculation and there is price gouging driving up the price. The oil companies are making historic profits, not historic sales. This means that they are making higher margins between the cost of good sold and the sales price, also known as gouging.

    Also, Bush removed the price caps in place when he came into office which allows Big Oil to charge whatever they want, and he has been increasing the strategic oil reserves which causes a tightening of supplies. It is probably something they agreed to in the secret meeting Cheney had with energy executives that he refuses to discuss or release the minutes to the public.What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?
    There are many factors causing the price of oil to rise. Of course there's the supply and demand issue, and another major reason is the fact that the liberals are blocking our efforts to explore and develop our own oil reserves in the USA and offshore.

    But one of the main reasons is the greedy speculators who are only in it for the quick profit motive. They buy oil futures with no intent or ability to actually receive the oil. It's just a paper transaction to gain profit. They speculate and jack up the price artificially.

    We must stop this practice immediately and the price of gasoline will drop significantly.

    Support your congressmen and women to support this change back to the 1996 regs which forbidded such practices.
    Look, everyone will give you a different answer. Don't ask these kinds of questions unless you try someone who knows a bit about how economics work or you'll probably end with loads of junk about supply+demand going up a max of 10%/year when crude inflation has been up 360% in the last 8 years and loads of other b*llsh*t.

    My basic knowledge from the newspapers and from financial reports combined with common sense tell me its mostly caused by US economy since almost all friggin oil is traded with US dollars. With the US dollar crumbling to worthlessness and people lining up to buy raw material stocks/anything that can hedge inflation, the prices go up.
    In the late 1990's, scientists declared that there were no more new, untapped sources of oil. They knew where all of the oil was and that was it. Therefore, it is considered a limited resource and could be used up in 100 to 200 years. When the oil companies raise the price of oil, it conserves the oil by eliminating unnecessary driving and gives them more profits. So they are killing two birds with one stone by raising gas prices.
    what's actually causing the price of oil to raise to this level pushing a barrel of crude oil through the roof also raising energy cost by 17% is plain and simple greed by the oil companies. they realize that it will take us some time to develop alternative fuel, furthermore we only have a limited amount of fossil fuel in reserve, so they are trying to make a killing generatng huge profits there is nothing we can do about it, we could consume less oil and use more fuel efficient motor vehicles, the fact are we rely to heavily on middle eastern oil, hopefully we will come up with another source of fuel and that won't happen overnight.
    Probably greed, but i think the thirst for oil, running our cars is getting ever greater countries like China with their quickly expanding growth, India also is pushing up the prices.

    I think oil will cause more trouble in the world in years to come than religion every body wants it every country needs it.
    WE are. You, Me, Everyone ELSE- AND the tens of THOUSANDS of NEW ';oil consumers'; that are being born around the World- EVERY Day. OUR ';Demand'; for Oil- is beginning to ';over run'; the Supply. And the MORE People who want a piece of the SAME amount of ';Pie';- are gonna have to PAY more for it... And every day That ';Pie'; STAYS the same Size %26amp; there's MORE of US- who want ';their'; Share... See the Problem?! It look like we're ALL about to go on a ';Diet';... :)
    we actually had a person speak about this in our class the other day, he said it had something to do with people betting about how much it would cost and go up in price and such and that had something to do with prices rising or something like that.
    we did it to ourselves, by allowing our jobs to be shipped to china, so they can become wealthy, buy cars that need gas to run.
    Um haven't the oil producing countries got something to do with it as well?
    From what I understand its greedy oil companies...and the government wont stop it cause they all have stock in the oil companies.....
    Supply and demand?
    the world is running out of oil,so they have to put it up to make money basicaly
    President George Bush!!

    need I say more.

    Have you noticed how quick the price of oil came down after The Democrats were forced to allow drilling?

    so you think that it was coincidence that once America was allowed to defend it's self in the world market by drilling the price of oil dropped like a stone and no drilling has even started yet.Have you noticed how quick the price of oil came down after The Democrats were forced to allow drilling?
    The dems cry about the oil, say the war is about oil, etc, etc. But I blame them becaue they have fought tooth and nail to not allow the US to drill for their own oil.Have you noticed how quick the price of oil came down after The Democrats were forced to allow drilling?
    Have you noticed how the the world credit market has collapsed? Think that might affect the price of oil somewhat?

    Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?

    In contrast to the eminent mortgage crisis that our country is facing; the price of oil has risen from $25/barrel to nearly $100/barrel. The price of fuel affects a broader population than the bad loans and/or bad debt that media and government are focused on. It doesn't help to be given only half of the reasons why we are getting poorer as a nation. Fuel prices drive up food prices, and everybody must eat. Not as many of us own a home ';mortgage';, and fewer of us actually own a bank.Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?
    I am in my senior year for an Economics degree. The first thing you learn is that no one really knows much about what is going on. They can crunch numbers and say employment 5% etc. but it call comes down to the sociology aspect that many economists neglect. It comes down to moral issues.. and it comes down to how much regulation should be imposed.. it comes down to how we decide to regulate newly formed credit markets.... the list goes on and on. Most importantly, it goes on the average person's sentiment. Even Greenspan said that if he could predict people's behaviors everything else would be easy.

    So what's caused this? Everyone has heard of subprime mortgages. No one really hears about Credit Default Swaps which may end up being a bigger problem. A newly formed type of ';insurance'; that is not regulated and has seen scary numbers recently. It could be the megolithic spending in Iraq. Others would argue that we have gone through 5 or 6 years of an Iraqi war and the economy was doing fine. I argue that it takes a while for things to catch up and bite you in the butt. The spending is catching up to us. Others say that China will be the next superpower. They forget that Americans are the consumers. Maybe not with so much power as we once had but we still have an impact. We CONSUME China products and we drive up the cost of oil because we CONSUME so much of it. If we go down the drains, everyone struggles.

    I personally think it is because of new found credit markets that have lacked regulation. People like George Bush love to say ';free market'; but in the case of credit markets, free market certainly has not worked. People take too many risks and under-assess those risks. Furthermore, we bail out these bankers with interest rate cuts and incentives which create a moral hazard. It encourages imperfect behavior.

    You just have to realize that even though it seems like people know what they are talking about, most of it is fairly new. We have not had this global economy for long and we are inexperienced in dealing with sooo many things.Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?
    You forgot the WAR and the idiot who led us down this path!
    The mortgage crisis and credit crunch are both more damaging to the economy then the oil problem is. Inflation is helping to reduce that problem (imagine $100 oil in the days when being a billionaire was nearly impossible and meant being richer than Bill Gates.

    Against your oil arguements, banks affect a large group of people and a collapsed back wave is well more damaging then $100 oil. Economists are annoyed by high oil but shaken by large bank closures. When a bank reports its first loss ever, it is a large blow to the bank and sends a message. When it happens to several banks at once, a recession is started.
    Whatever ';crisis'; we experience is projected on whatever is affecting our economy. I believe its the relationship we severe with the country that produces the product. I also believe a ';crisis'; is created to allow big business to falter without blame and point it at the consumer so the media can keep its nose away from the real problem: big business creates problems by testing the market to see how much it will gain or lose. When the consumer falls victim to these tests, it becomes ';our fault'; because ';we should have been more educated before we got ourselves into it';. Not fair, I think since we had no say-so in creating the contracts(mortgage, credit, autos).
  • eye cream
  • Could someone explain the relationship between a weak US dollar and the high price of oil?

    I always hear in the news that one of the reasons for the high cost of oil is due partly to the weak US dollar. I understand that oil in the international market is priced in US dollars but wouldn't that make the cost of oil cheaper?Could someone explain the relationship between a weak US dollar and the high price of oil?
    Oil is only priced in US Dollars on the commodity markets. As the US Dollar has weakened by over 30%, it takes 30% more US Dollars to buy the same 'barrel' of oil, all other factors remaining equal.Could someone explain the relationship between a weak US dollar and the high price of oil?
    Because the US dollar is weak it takes more dollars to equal other countries' currency. If you are in a country where the US dollar is half as valuable as their money, to purchase an item marked $1 it would require 2 US dollars to purchase that item.
    there is no relation if you live in US and spend only in US

    Ok,so when the price of oil goes up,gas goes up.What about the quarts of oil we buy to change our own?

    Or at oil changing stations.Never hear about that.Ok,so when the price of oil goes up,gas goes up.What about the quarts of oil we buy to change our own?
    It certainly seem so be going up as well, just not as rapidly in response to the increase in crude prices. Could be that stores are not raising the price until a new shipment arrives and they add their markup to the cost. It seems (based on casual observation) that cost has gone up about 25% over the last six months or so.Ok,so when the price of oil goes up,gas goes up.What about the quarts of oil we buy to change our own?
    $4 per quart here....was about $2 three years ago !
    dont worry friend, it will be going up too, along with everything else. you cant win these days.
    I am do for an oil change in my car, but have been holding off because the price for oil has went up from the last time a changed it. But it has to be done.
    Of course it goes up. so does anything made from oils like platics and polyester etc. That stuff is in virturally everything...
    The price goes up a little slower, but still goes up.

    What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?

    I know Saddam wanted the change to happen and was pushing for it in the middle east just before the Invasion. What would happen to the American economy, would us europeans enjoy cheaper fuel.What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?
    The demand for Euros would increase. The dollar would deflate. This certainly would not help the U.S., especially in financing the growing debt but it would not be devestating. World Fuel prices in specific areas likely would not change much. Such a change will likely not happen though. The United States is by far the worlds largest oil consumer( about a quarter of entire world demand). The dollar is already in use. Although the dollar is loosing ground to the Euro, it is still the most widely used in the world. The incentive to change currencies is simply not there.What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?
    If Euros became the standard in the oil market, then many countries would dump there reserves of US Dollars to buy Euros in order to buy oil. With US Dollars flooding the market and Euros in high demand the value of the Dollar would plummet.
    There are many things which affect the price of gasoline at the pump probably the least of these the actual price of a barrel of oil. I'll try to simplify this where everyone can understand it. The oil companies set the price for gasoline at the pump not the service station itself. We buy oil on the world market to conserve the oil in our country. That's why we have a national reserve. Each country has it representatives which place the price on a barrel of oil. We buy the oil, and then it has to be refined. When it is refined, because of our environmental codes and laws we place detergents into the gasoline so that it will burn cleaner thus giving us a safer living environment. This is an expensive process and the cost is past on to the consumer. Then our government wants their share of the pie so they place a high tax on the gasoline. Truckers have to be hired to deliver. Then we declare war on Iraq if you check history gasoline and gasoline shortages have always been a factor during war time. When the actual reason you are fighting is over who controls the oil wells then guess what? The price of gasoline soars! There are many more factors that are added into the equation all of which cause you to have to pay a higher price at the pumps. Probably the largest reason for the high price is supply and demand. Our nation has the largest demand for the product of any nation. There are solutions which we can utilize to bring the price of gasoline down, but ultimately what ever replaces it will be what comes into demand and the business men at the top will take a look at the demand and say ok here's how we can get more money into our pocket and less into the consumers let's raise the prices. Normally the price is set by the attitude of our own country, not the price of a barrel charged by another country.
    America would have to trade more with Europe to get hold of the Euro to buy the oil. And since Americans print the dollar they would not be able to counterfeit the Euro and I guess it would mean the dollar would become meaningless and sooner than later. Then every country would want to trade with its own currency. This will in turn give value to the most used currency and at the end Uncle Sam will get angry with everybody for not using the dollar to trade. And we shall have a new word other than terrorism.
    Well, cheap fuel is always better. However, I think that with higher price of gas---people will drive less which helps our environment from CO2. It will also help the globe from global warming too.
    Is Iran still planning to roll-out their oil bourse?
    The most probably is china grows a lot selling bikes to all the world how don't have oil.
    If oil is traded in 鈧?then it could signal a move from trading in 鈧?from US$. The most interesting effect would be that countries would no longer prefer US$ as part of their reserves (since it would be less useful to do so).

    The greatest effect that would have is that US$ would basically lose the ability of running perpetual budget deficits. Since the world wouldn't be absorbing US$ anymore, consistent budget deficits would have to be financed by selling assets, the US$ would plunge, dragging the US down by quite a bit. The crucial thing to understand is the importance, to the US, of having the US$ as reserve currency by most of the world.

    As far as the price of oil is concerned, then, as the US economy would go down, chances are, demand for oil by the US and a few other countries would also drop, so the price of oil would drop. The producers might wish to curtail production in response to stabilise the price.

    Arab nations do not make the change because they have nothing much to gain by doing this, and politically it could be suicidal to antagonise the US to that extent; remember, a lot of the Arab (and other oil producing countries such as Venezuela) are either not democratic or have heads of state who are not well seen in the US.
    Not much at the retail level - ie individual auto drivers.

    The price of oil has little to do with the currency exchange between dollars and euros, although it does have much to do with the currency exchange rate between nations that are major importers and nations that are major exporters of oil.

    Dollars and euros are so freely and easily traded that they convey purchasing price parity quite efficiently. This means that the price of a good in dollars and of the good in euros would be roughly equivalent so that there is little room for arbitrage. In other words, expect wholesale prices to be equivalent whether you pay in euros and convert to dollars, or pay in dollars and convert to euros. Note this is wholesale prices - retail prices will be different due to tax structures and local demand.

    It'd be a different story if the price of oil changed to a currency not easily convertible, such as China's renminbi. Effectively, though, this would only drive up the transaction costs, and potentially expose refiners (who buy the crude oil directly from producers) to currency exchange rate risk (ie, if the renminbi appreciates dramatically).

    Saddam was pushing for the conversion to euros based on flawed economics, and it would be a thumb in the face of the U.S. Even if demand for the dollar shrank, it would be imperceptible (since oil futures make up a very small portion of overall demand for the dollar), and it may be beneficial to the U.S. because it would mean exports would be favored.

    Arab nations haven't made the change probably because they depend too heavily on the U.S. and don't want to upset the favorable balance of trade. There are also significant transactions costs involved, and it makes no sense for the oil-dependent nations to introduce the potential for their oil to become even more expensive to U.S. consumers (due to a decline in the dollar versus the euro) that may induce a long-term decrease in demand.
    The EU was invented to counter the U.S. economic dominance/hegemony. Its value of currency could become the next global reserve currency of the future, has the GDP the size of the U.S.鈥檚 and 450 million consumers, if OPEC starts using euros instead of dollars to price oil then we are in trouble!
    It won't be long before confidence in American leadership and corruption (9/11, patriot act, afghanistan, iraq etc etc etc) dives below the acceptable level, and the word adopts another currency for trade.

    When this happens, America will be fcuked and hence the bombings will begin.

    Anyone in their way will get nuked until the dollar is accepted once more as the international trade currency.

    SO - it will cause the end of the world as we know it, but ironicly, it's bound to happen anyway.

    The day it happens, I suggest you dig a large hole in your garden and fill it with your familly and lots of pot noodles.
    not gonna happen
    To begin with Europeans enjoy cheaper fuel allready. Dollar is weaker than euro so they Europeans pay less for fule than the Americans. It is ironic isn't it?The US is making all the expences for the war in Iraq but for now Europeans benefit.

    You can not predict what exactly will happen.

    Firstly the dollar will lose great value. Most of the countries will sell their dollars and buy euros.

    Secondly the consumption in US will drop and since the US economy is based in consumpion you will experience a recesion.

    Thirdly since US is the biggest consumer in the world a recession in the world economy is possible but that depends of how much of this consumption can be replaced by India and China who increase consumption with a great pace. This is the main point you can not predict actually and is veyr hypothetical.

    Fourthly the US will start producing again since it will be easier to sell abroad with a cheaper dollar. This will take time and money but eventually will stabilize things a bit.

    Fifthly and this is the most scary US will have great difficulties to pay its external debt since it will have to spend more dollars to pay the same loans. It will also be difficult for US to get new loans if there is trouble repaing the old ones. That should lead you back to the second and the third point. US is borrowing money to support domestic consumption. You can understand the problems that a difficulty of borrowing will bring.

    To be really honest i believe that something like that will lead to a new major war since US will face a deadend. US would have to decide between possible continual of its dominance and a great decline.

    Moreover EU does not want this to happen. The Euro is allready much more expencive than the dollar and that makes EU exports difficult. EU wants a euro that is worth more or less the same with dollar and an exchange rate close to 1 to 1 with the euro to be slightly more valuable to cover the transaction fees. Finaly the US is the EU's best customer. Why to loose a customer like that?

    To sum up. If the other customer find a better customer than the US (China or India) they will have no trouble dropping the dollar and that will mean the end of the US as we know it today and probably of the world since US will start a war with almost everybody. If the US continues to be the largest consumer everybody will be happy with the present situation.
    ITS OUR OIL =) (oil also comes from Syria right?^^)

    Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?

    In contrast to the eminent mortgage crisis that our country is facing; the price of oil has risen from $25/barrel to nearly $100/barrel. The price of fuel affects a broader population than the bad loans and/or bad debt that media and government are focused on. It doesn't help to be given only half of the reasons why we are getting poorer as a nation. Fuel prices drive up food prices, and everybody must eat. Not as many of us own a home ';mortgage';, and fewer of us actually own a bank.Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?
    I am in my senior year for an Economics degree. The first thing you learn is that no one really knows much about what is going on. They can crunch numbers and say employment 5% etc. but it call comes down to the sociology aspect that many economists neglect. It comes down to moral issues.. and it comes down to how much regulation should be imposed.. it comes down to how we decide to regulate newly formed credit markets.... the list goes on and on. Most importantly, it goes on the average person's sentiment. Even Greenspan said that if he could predict people's behaviors everything else would be easy.

    So what's caused this? Everyone has heard of subprime mortgages. No one really hears about Credit Default Swaps which may end up being a bigger problem. A newly formed type of ';insurance'; that is not regulated and has seen scary numbers recently. It could be the megolithic spending in Iraq. Others would argue that we have gone through 5 or 6 years of an Iraqi war and the economy was doing fine. I argue that it takes a while for things to catch up and bite you in the butt. The spending is catching up to us. Others say that China will be the next superpower. They forget that Americans are the consumers. Maybe not with so much power as we once had but we still have an impact. We CONSUME China products and we drive up the cost of oil because we CONSUME so much of it. If we go down the drains, everyone struggles.

    I personally think it is because of new found credit markets that have lacked regulation. People like George Bush love to say ';free market'; but in the case of credit markets, free market certainly has not worked. People take too many risks and under-assess those risks. Furthermore, we bail out these bankers with interest rate cuts and incentives which create a moral hazard. It encourages imperfect behavior.

    You just have to realize that even though it seems like people know what they are talking about, most of it is fairly new. We have not had this global economy for long and we are inexperienced in dealing with sooo many things.Is the reason for economic recession our mortgage crisis, or exponential rise in price of oil?
    You forgot the WAR and the idiot who led us down this path!
    The mortgage crisis and credit crunch are both more damaging to the economy then the oil problem is. Inflation is helping to reduce that problem (imagine $100 oil in the days when being a billionaire was nearly impossible and meant being richer than Bill Gates.

    Against your oil arguements, banks affect a large group of people and a collapsed back wave is well more damaging then $100 oil. Economists are annoyed by high oil but shaken by large bank closures. When a bank reports its first loss ever, it is a large blow to the bank and sends a message. When it happens to several banks at once, a recession is started.
    Whatever ';crisis'; we experience is projected on whatever is affecting our economy. I believe its the relationship we severe with the country that produces the product. I also believe a ';crisis'; is created to allow big business to falter without blame and point it at the consumer so the media can keep its nose away from the real problem: big business creates problems by testing the market to see how much it will gain or lose. When the consumer falls victim to these tests, it becomes ';our fault'; because ';we should have been more educated before we got ourselves into it';. Not fair, I think since we had no say-so in creating the contracts(mortgage, credit, autos).

    What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?

    Right so I know that petrol prices are getting a bit daft. Currently a barrel of oil is something like $140, and is set to possibly reach $250 by next year.

    But why? What started it all, and why cant the oil companies just stop rising the price? Is there some kind of vicious cycle or catch-22 that they're stuck in which means they cant do anything about how much their own oil costs?What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?
    Well, there is valueless American dollar which drives the price up since it takes more dollars to equal euros or any other currency. There is speculation and there is price gouging driving up the price. The oil companies are making historic profits, not historic sales. This means that they are making higher margins between the cost of good sold and the sales price, also known as gouging.

    Also, Bush removed the price caps in place when he came into office which allows Big Oil to charge whatever they want, and he has been increasing the strategic oil reserves which causes a tightening of supplies. It is probably something they agreed to in the secret meeting Cheney had with energy executives that he refuses to discuss or release the minutes to the public.What's actually causing the price of oil to rise?
    There are many factors causing the price of oil to rise. Of course there's the supply and demand issue, and another major reason is the fact that the liberals are blocking our efforts to explore and develop our own oil reserves in the USA and offshore.

    But one of the main reasons is the greedy speculators who are only in it for the quick profit motive. They buy oil futures with no intent or ability to actually receive the oil. It's just a paper transaction to gain profit. They speculate and jack up the price artificially.

    We must stop this practice immediately and the price of gasoline will drop significantly.

    Support your congressmen and women to support this change back to the 1996 regs which forbidded such practices.
    Look, everyone will give you a different answer. Don't ask these kinds of questions unless you try someone who knows a bit about how economics work or you'll probably end with loads of junk about supply+demand going up a max of 10%/year when crude inflation has been up 360% in the last 8 years and loads of other b*llsh*t.

    My basic knowledge from the newspapers and from financial reports combined with common sense tell me its mostly caused by US economy since almost all friggin oil is traded with US dollars. With the US dollar crumbling to worthlessness and people lining up to buy raw material stocks/anything that can hedge inflation, the prices go up.
    In the late 1990's, scientists declared that there were no more new, untapped sources of oil. They knew where all of the oil was and that was it. Therefore, it is considered a limited resource and could be used up in 100 to 200 years. When the oil companies raise the price of oil, it conserves the oil by eliminating unnecessary driving and gives them more profits. So they are killing two birds with one stone by raising gas prices.
    what's actually causing the price of oil to raise to this level pushing a barrel of crude oil through the roof also raising energy cost by 17% is plain and simple greed by the oil companies. they realize that it will take us some time to develop alternative fuel, furthermore we only have a limited amount of fossil fuel in reserve, so they are trying to make a killing generatng huge profits there is nothing we can do about it, we could consume less oil and use more fuel efficient motor vehicles, the fact are we rely to heavily on middle eastern oil, hopefully we will come up with another source of fuel and that won't happen overnight.
    Probably greed, but i think the thirst for oil, running our cars is getting ever greater countries like China with their quickly expanding growth, India also is pushing up the prices.

    I think oil will cause more trouble in the world in years to come than religion every body wants it every country needs it.
    WE are. You, Me, Everyone ELSE- AND the tens of THOUSANDS of NEW ';oil consumers'; that are being born around the World- EVERY Day. OUR ';Demand'; for Oil- is beginning to ';over run'; the Supply. And the MORE People who want a piece of the SAME amount of ';Pie';- are gonna have to PAY more for it... And every day That ';Pie'; STAYS the same Size %26amp; there's MORE of US- who want ';their'; Share... See the Problem?! It look like we're ALL about to go on a ';Diet';... :)
    we actually had a person speak about this in our class the other day, he said it had something to do with people betting about how much it would cost and go up in price and such and that had something to do with prices rising or something like that.
    we did it to ourselves, by allowing our jobs to be shipped to china, so they can become wealthy, buy cars that need gas to run.
    Um haven't the oil producing countries got something to do with it as well?
    From what I understand its greedy oil companies...and the government wont stop it cause they all have stock in the oil companies.....
    Supply and demand?
    the world is running out of oil,so they have to put it up to make money basicaly
    President George Bush!!

    need I say more.

    What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?

    I know Saddam wanted the change to happen and was pushing for it in the middle east just before the Invasion. What would happen to the American economy, would us europeans enjoy cheaper fuel.What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?
    The demand for Euros would increase. The dollar would deflate. This certainly would not help the U.S., especially in financing the growing debt but it would not be devestating. World Fuel prices in specific areas likely would not change much. Such a change will likely not happen though. The United States is by far the worlds largest oil consumer( about a quarter of entire world demand). The dollar is already in use. Although the dollar is loosing ground to the Euro, it is still the most widely used in the world. The incentive to change currencies is simply not there.What would happen if the price of oil changed from $$$ to 鈧偓鈧? Why do arab nations not make the change?
    If Euros became the standard in the oil market, then many countries would dump there reserves of US Dollars to buy Euros in order to buy oil. With US Dollars flooding the market and Euros in high demand the value of the Dollar would plummet.
    There are many things which affect the price of gasoline at the pump probably the least of these the actual price of a barrel of oil. I'll try to simplify this where everyone can understand it. The oil companies set the price for gasoline at the pump not the service station itself. We buy oil on the world market to conserve the oil in our country. That's why we have a national reserve. Each country has it representatives which place the price on a barrel of oil. We buy the oil, and then it has to be refined. When it is refined, because of our environmental codes and laws we place detergents into the gasoline so that it will burn cleaner thus giving us a safer living environment. This is an expensive process and the cost is past on to the consumer. Then our government wants their share of the pie so they place a high tax on the gasoline. Truckers have to be hired to deliver. Then we declare war on Iraq if you check history gasoline and gasoline shortages have always been a factor during war time. When the actual reason you are fighting is over who controls the oil wells then guess what? The price of gasoline soars! There are many more factors that are added into the equation all of which cause you to have to pay a higher price at the pumps. Probably the largest reason for the high price is supply and demand. Our nation has the largest demand for the product of any nation. There are solutions which we can utilize to bring the price of gasoline down, but ultimately what ever replaces it will be what comes into demand and the business men at the top will take a look at the demand and say ok here's how we can get more money into our pocket and less into the consumers let's raise the prices. Normally the price is set by the attitude of our own country, not the price of a barrel charged by another country.
    America would have to trade more with Europe to get hold of the Euro to buy the oil. And since Americans print the dollar they would not be able to counterfeit the Euro and I guess it would mean the dollar would become meaningless and sooner than later. Then every country would want to trade with its own currency. This will in turn give value to the most used currency and at the end Uncle Sam will get angry with everybody for not using the dollar to trade. And we shall have a new word other than terrorism.
    Well, cheap fuel is always better. However, I think that with higher price of gas---people will drive less which helps our environment from CO2. It will also help the globe from global warming too.
    Is Iran still planning to roll-out their oil bourse?
    The most probably is china grows a lot selling bikes to all the world how don't have oil.
    If oil is traded in 鈧?then it could signal a move from trading in 鈧?from US$. The most interesting effect would be that countries would no longer prefer US$ as part of their reserves (since it would be less useful to do so).

    The greatest effect that would have is that US$ would basically lose the ability of running perpetual budget deficits. Since the world wouldn't be absorbing US$ anymore, consistent budget deficits would have to be financed by selling assets, the US$ would plunge, dragging the US down by quite a bit. The crucial thing to understand is the importance, to the US, of having the US$ as reserve currency by most of the world.

    As far as the price of oil is concerned, then, as the US economy would go down, chances are, demand for oil by the US and a few other countries would also drop, so the price of oil would drop. The producers might wish to curtail production in response to stabilise the price.

    Arab nations do not make the change because they have nothing much to gain by doing this, and politically it could be suicidal to antagonise the US to that extent; remember, a lot of the Arab (and other oil producing countries such as Venezuela) are either not democratic or have heads of state who are not well seen in the US.
    Not much at the retail level - ie individual auto drivers.

    The price of oil has little to do with the currency exchange between dollars and euros, although it does have much to do with the currency exchange rate between nations that are major importers and nations that are major exporters of oil.

    Dollars and euros are so freely and easily traded that they convey purchasing price parity quite efficiently. This means that the price of a good in dollars and of the good in euros would be roughly equivalent so that there is little room for arbitrage. In other words, expect wholesale prices to be equivalent whether you pay in euros and convert to dollars, or pay in dollars and convert to euros. Note this is wholesale prices - retail prices will be different due to tax structures and local demand.

    It'd be a different story if the price of oil changed to a currency not easily convertible, such as China's renminbi. Effectively, though, this would only drive up the transaction costs, and potentially expose refiners (who buy the crude oil directly from producers) to currency exchange rate risk (ie, if the renminbi appreciates dramatically).

    Saddam was pushing for the conversion to euros based on flawed economics, and it would be a thumb in the face of the U.S. Even if demand for the dollar shrank, it would be imperceptible (since oil futures make up a very small portion of overall demand for the dollar), and it may be beneficial to the U.S. because it would mean exports would be favored.

    Arab nations haven't made the change probably because they depend too heavily on the U.S. and don't want to upset the favorable balance of trade. There are also significant transactions costs involved, and it makes no sense for the oil-dependent nations to introduce the potential for their oil to become even more expensive to U.S. consumers (due to a decline in the dollar versus the euro) that may induce a long-term decrease in demand.
    The EU was invented to counter the U.S. economic dominance/hegemony. Its value of currency could become the next global reserve currency of the future, has the GDP the size of the U.S.鈥檚 and 450 million consumers, if OPEC starts using euros instead of dollars to price oil then we are in trouble!
    It won't be long before confidence in American leadership and corruption (9/11, patriot act, afghanistan, iraq etc etc etc) dives below the acceptable level, and the word adopts another currency for trade.

    When this happens, America will be fcuked and hence the bombings will begin.

    Anyone in their way will get nuked until the dollar is accepted once more as the international trade currency.

    SO - it will cause the end of the world as we know it, but ironicly, it's bound to happen anyway.

    The day it happens, I suggest you dig a large hole in your garden and fill it with your familly and lots of pot noodles.
    not gonna happen
    To begin with Europeans enjoy cheaper fuel allready. Dollar is weaker than euro so they Europeans pay less for fule than the Americans. It is ironic isn't it?The US is making all the expences for the war in Iraq but for now Europeans benefit.

    You can not predict what exactly will happen.

    Firstly the dollar will lose great value. Most of the countries will sell their dollars and buy euros.

    Secondly the consumption in US will drop and since the US economy is based in consumpion you will experience a recesion.

    Thirdly since US is the biggest consumer in the world a recession in the world economy is possible but that depends of how much of this consumption can be replaced by India and China who increase consumption with a great pace. This is the main point you can not predict actually and is veyr hypothetical.

    Fourthly the US will start producing again since it will be easier to sell abroad with a cheaper dollar. This will take time and money but eventually will stabilize things a bit.

    Fifthly and this is the most scary US will have great difficulties to pay its external debt since it will have to spend more dollars to pay the same loans. It will also be difficult for US to get new loans if there is trouble repaing the old ones. That should lead you back to the second and the third point. US is borrowing money to support domestic consumption. You can understand the problems that a difficulty of borrowing will bring.

    To be really honest i believe that something like that will lead to a new major war since US will face a deadend. US would have to decide between possible continual of its dominance and a great decline.

    Moreover EU does not want this to happen. The Euro is allready much more expencive than the dollar and that makes EU exports difficult. EU wants a euro that is worth more or less the same with dollar and an exchange rate close to 1 to 1 with the euro to be slightly more valuable to cover the transaction fees. Finaly the US is the EU's best customer. Why to loose a customer like that?

    To sum up. If the other customer find a better customer than the US (China or India) they will have no trouble dropping the dollar and that will mean the end of the US as we know it today and probably of the world since US will start a war with almost everybody. If the US continues to be the largest consumer everybody will be happy with the present situation.
    ITS OUR OIL =) (oil also comes from Syria right?^^)
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  • Why is the price of consumer goods affected by oil prices?

    A couple of reasons. All consumer goods need to be shipped to their destinations, that requires gas. Most Plastics are made from petroleum products, higher oil prices affects the basic cost of goods.Why is the price of consumer goods affected by oil prices?
    Firstly, a surprising number of products are actually made from oil or oil are directly affected by the oil price.

    Secondly, running a factory requires energy....and that energy is likely to have some oil dependency somewhere along the if oil prices alter then costs alter as prices have to alter.

    Thirdly, transportation costs are again directly affected by oil prices....if it costs more to ship either the product or the parts to make the product then again prices have to reflect that.Why is the price of consumer goods affected by oil prices?
    I think it has a lot to do with how oil prices affect the financial economy....

    but in a very simple way, things need to be made in one place and distributed all over the world - costing more as a direct result of the cost of the fuel...
    Transport costs, particularly by road, vary according to the cost of fuel.

    Where can I find a record for the price of oil over the last month or 2?

    I just want to see the highs and lows of oil price for the past 2 months because petrol has been getting steadily more expensive though I've heard oil prices may be dropping again.Where can I find a record for the price of oil over the last month or 2?

    Global Oil price had eased. Why hasn't the malaysian goverment reduce oil price since incresing the oil price?

    From previous US140 per barrel to current US110 plus. They never hesitate to increase the price but why hesitate so long to reduce them? Why need to wait till Sept?Global Oil price had eased. Why hasn't the malaysian goverment reduce oil price since incresing the oil price?
    All Malaysian as well as foreign cars entered Malaysian soil enjoyed controlled subsidized fuel price currently which is still the cheapest in the region. Can all Malaysian citizens willing to change our hardcore mindsets to pay for the unsubsidized fuel price? The answer is definitely NO. If the price of fuel is based on free market value, I am sure the Malaysian government will not hesitate to reduce the price of fuel accordingly and not wait till Sept.

    Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?

    There is a hell of lot we can do in response.

    - The EU twice imposed huge fines on Microsoft for monopoly prctices.

    - Bush can impose an arms embargo on them etc.,etc.

    Do you not suspect the oil barons in the US (and Bush is one of them) really want these huge prices and to Hell with the country and World economy?Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?
    Oil companies have gotten billions of dollars in incentives for years. They still haven't come up with an alternative to oil. Are they just sitting on this money? Many individuals have come up with their own solutions. They are the ones that need our investments. No taxation without representation ring a bell?Why is the West allowing itself to be held to ransom by the Arabs over the price of oil?
    What makes you think they don't already OWN the west?
    its hard to drill through glass to get oil
    we love our cars to much

    How does the price of oil per barrel relate to the price of gasoline?

    obviously the more per barrel the more per gallon of gas but just how does it equate to actual dollars. Does each $25 per barrel equal $1 of gasoline?How does the price of oil per barrel relate to the price of gasoline?
    It varies, but the price of crude oil makes up about 55% of the cost of gas. But crude oil makes other things besides gasoline, so it's not exactly one-to-one. Your 25 per 1 isn't exactly right. When oil was at 10ish a few years ago, gas was still higher than 40 cents because there are other costs associated with gasoline.How does the price of oil per barrel relate to the price of gasoline?

    Is Warren Buffet manipulating oil prices up and down, profiting on stocks that move as a result of oil price?

    Warren Buffett is not involved in manipulating oil prices, he has other means of making money rather than taking illlegal actions. He would not jepordize and part of his wealth in partaking in such illegal procedures.

    Fines for manipluation start at 100% of any all profits plus expenses.Is Warren Buffet manipulating oil prices up and down, profiting on stocks that move as a result of oil price?
    Wow I am amazed at how ignorant people judging from the question and most of the answers provided. Nobody seems to know the first thing about Buffet and his investing style. Go to Berkshire Hathaway and read his shareholder letters and look up his holdings. Do you see any oil there? I think not.

    He does not invest in oil, nor does he trade futures, nor is he in cahoots with Bush and Cheney (he is a democrat). He invests in things like Coca Cola and Anhauser Busch as well as Insurance companies like AIG and Geico mostly. He buys them when they are cheap and keeps holding for decades. Thats 99% of what he does.

    So instead of bashing the man with retarded rants about how he looks down on poor people (he gave a away almost all his fortune of $40Bil to these so called ';mice';) maybe you can learn his simple style of investing so you too may be successful.Is Warren Buffet manipulating oil prices up and down, profiting on stocks that move as a result of oil price?
    Half of our money paid at pump goes to Wall Street speculators. And we can not hear or read main media reporting them. We are kept in the dark

    “Testifying to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management said that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal cost of around $65 to $75 a barrel, about half the current $135.”…

    If he is the 2nd richest person in the world, like some stories tell us He certainly can and most deffinently IS. This is a LIVE Monopoly Game and he doesn't give a crap if we lose because HE IS IN CONTROL WITH THE OTHER FEW.

    Peace! He looks at us in laughs because he likes to see mice squirm.

    Added: These people that answered above me are really living in a glass house but can't see out. These people are so rich they do not care about us losing money, they have anything they want and what they can do is make us lose

    more and then become dependent on that few like him that want to control the world with their other rich OIL BUDDIES like Bush and Cheney and all the Shiek or Shakes!
    Warren Buffet? No, I heard it was the Saudi gang along with their good buddies Bush and Cheney. As they are leaving office soon, best to grab all the money they can while they can, and the hell with folks who depend on their cars to earn their livlihood. Let em' walk or take the bus!
    W Buffet owns many companies thru BerkshireH. More than a few of these companies are dependent on oil. Why would he deliberately drive up the costs to the companies he owns??

    Please try to think these things thru before posting (a forlorn hope I suspect).
    ...oil price is controlled by OPEC.

    no way warren has his hands on the price of oil barrels.

    yes its true oil prices are affecting the stock prices.

    but.. no way warren can do that =)
    No, but George Soros ( probably is. He knows that dimwits will blame the high price of oil on Bush and Cheney.
    Take your medication.
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