How many gas companies are there in this country? How many big companies can get in and run this market in the way they want?
When you are at the top and others depend on you, how do you feel and what do you want?
Unless you believe that you now have more power to protect others or unless you assure that you are the same you, then you might know why the price of gas keeps going up and doesn't go down considerably.Why is it that gas prices at the pump always go up with the price of oil, but not down?
Why would the gas companies lower prices? They are there to make a profit, and right now they are making a pretty hefty profit. Lowering it, while being the more reasonable thing to do, would also mean smaller profit margins, and that just isn't going to happen. Think who's in power right now. They have made their fortunes in the oil business. Prices are not going to lower anytime soon. Anyways, we are at peak oil production now, or a few years ago. We are producing less oil, and oil production world wide is dropping. Oil prices are probably going to skyrocket within a few years.
Why would they want to bring prices down. We the American people have become so dependant on their product that they can do whatever they want with the prices and we've already proven that we won't do a damn thing to stop them. Watch the prices of crude and what happens to the prices at the pump. The prices will go up at the pump the second crude prices go up, even thought there is no way in hell that the gas we're buying was purchased at the new higher price. Things that make you go......hmmmmm. Ever see an oil exec driving a cavalier? Hell no, they don't even drive. They can afford to pay those outrageous prices to fill up their gas guzzling lincoln limos and pay a driver to take them out for coffee and we're footin' the bill. The only thing that is going to stop them is going to be a nationwide effort to show them that we can hurt them until they back off the billions that they gouge from us every day. I makes me sooooooooooooo mad that this country was built on and is supported on the backs of the working man/woman and it's the sleezy oil barons that probably haven't done an honest days work in their lives that are not only profiting but keeping us down in the process. The short answer to your question is plain and simple.......................... G R E E D. The oil companies see an opportunity to gouge us once more and took it and they'll never look back. As long as they're getting fat that's all that matters.
cause da gov. is an a*** hole
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