Saturday, August 21, 2010

Was Kuwait invaded to raise oil price and a vehicle that used water for fuel in 1965 hidden from the world?

The real question! ... Is there anything anyone can do to put an end to this fleecing of the world by big oil?

In1965 I saw a new military vehicle that used water for fuel. When there was no gas at the pump, I called the US Army Transportation School where the vehicle had been displayed and found there was no trace remaining.

Search for ';Water for fuel'; and you will find lots of information on this subject.

Iraqi officials continued to warn Kuwait that it would not tolerate the artificial depression of oil prices due to Kuwaiti overproduction, Kuwait did not heed these admonitions. Some analysts have speculated that one of Saddam Hussein's main motivations in invading Iraq was to punish the ruling al-Sabah family in Kuwait for not stopping its policy of overproduction.Was Kuwait invaded to raise oil price and a vehicle that used water for fuel in 1965 hidden from the world?
Oh, the Water For Fuel myth won't die. My father first heard that one, along with the 200mpg carburetor, during college in the 1940s. And yes, he was an engineer.Was Kuwait invaded to raise oil price and a vehicle that used water for fuel in 1965 hidden from the world?
What I referred to was the myth that there was an efficient, cost effective engine you could just drive away in, using nothing but water. Report Abuse

The first party to answer is right on. I'm an engineer too and you would be surprised at some of the thing people try to tell me that are just plain stupid. I just walk off.

If you want oil prices to some down, declare war on the tree huggers. We can't drill off the east coast of the US, Florida, deep in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore California and in Alaska. We can't produce the western oil sands. We can't make gasoline from coal. Try to put up a wind farm or nuclear power plant and see what happens.

When we wake up start putting tree huggers in their place and demanding action from the government, then things will get better.
This Liberal myth will not die! The entire MidEast Muslim territory supplies ONLY 10% of our oil supply. If all the people who leave lights on, leave the hot water running, drive their cars/SUVs/vans/pickup trucks/ATVs/golf carts/motorcycles, etc. up and down the road (called cruising in some places) we WOULD NOT NEED TO IMPORT OIL FROM THE MUSLIMS!

So, using the logic of Liberals, doesn't this mean that all such persons are traitors?

The main reason why oil prices are rising and rising so fast is that China now has so many millions of cars on the road. Since 1 person of every 5 in the entire world is a Chinaman, within 20 years the Chinese will have more cars on the road than all the rest of the world combined! There is only so much oil; it IS finite.

As to ';water for fuel';, perhaps you are referring to hydrogen-powered cars wherein the only by-product IS water?
Build a rotary impulse hydrogen propulser, then tell me it is being suppressed by a conspiracy, not before.
that is actually hydrogen for fuel, not water

and i doubt it. Why? because until the 90's, people were so afraid of using any sort of hydrogen as a fuel because of its believed explosiveness. i doubt the military would have made one for a car
Yeah, talk to OPEC and have them produce more oil every year. They're the ones that supply the big bad oil companies in America with oil, if they continue to produce less and less every year then prices are going to increase. The basic rules of supply and demand.
What is your question. Do you want to search the water or the vehicle or both. What is your problem?

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