Saturday, August 21, 2010

Would the oil price instigate fuel companies to start really producing alternatives ??

Such alternatives are already there, but not widely used yet, such as biofuel, solar enrgy, wind dervied enrgy, and nuclear energy??Would the oil price instigate fuel companies to start really producing alternatives ??
Yes. People will always want cheap alternatives.Would the oil price instigate fuel companies to start really producing alternatives ??
Established companies with predictable profits in the current state of the market? NO!

There is no incentive to change your business when the current model is profitable.

The ';OIL President'; recently went hat in hand to the Saudis to plead for increased production to curb prices in the US consumer market for fuel. He let the Saudis know that he was in a pinch and that continued curbs on production would only boost the movement toward alternatives.

Try motivate.
Fuel companies - no. They will take whatever they can. Government - yes.

A recent documentary on a scientific show 'Catalyst' here in Australia purports America's next foray for power is likely to be in outer space. They reviewed past technology and experimentation that had been shelved decades ago due to the lack of financial viability. They have put this back on the drawing board now because it has become financially feasible, and due to the potential unlimited capacity, it will probably cause a redirection in research for alternatives to traditional energy use in many areas.

Past protomodels have shown that they can assemble large solar panels in outer space and 'beam' the electricity back to earth. Implementation cost being several billion dollars.

Due to the billions of dollars now spent in defence, and the recognition that such a facility would not only power the entire USA but also assist in repowering 'in the field' defence equipment (e.g. tanks and mobile camps), it will now attract defence budgeting, thus making it much more viable.

The principal is based on building the solar 'satellite' in space. The advantages of this is that being out of the atmosphere it attracts over 10 times the amount of energy per panel, and remains uninterferred with by weather, and there is no night so it collects 24 hours a day. This energy is then beamed by microwave to what effectively looks like a circular mat (or similar to a green on a golf course) which then is reverted to power. The transmission of this power is unaffected by weather on earth. The conversion to microwave for transport relegates the electricity no more harmful when passing through the 'beam' than using a mobile phone, therefore it will not affect planes or people passing through it.

The other major advantage is that it will not cause the slightest detriment to the earth as current energy sources do. Further, it can be used to launch space missions from the moon which serves several purposes including launching not affected by gravity, launching not discharging pollution and so forth.

As stated, this technology has been shelved for decades due to the financial cost of implementation, however it has now become a viable consideration as an alternative.

In light of the dubious outcome of the invasion in the Middle East, it is most likely this alternative will be pursued.
no. oil company earn whether oil is cheap or expensive. government must compe up with policies with regards to the use of alternative source of energy and alternative fuel
I don't think it would be the fuel, or oil companies who would get into the business of producing alternative fuels. That would probably those of us who are buying oil, not selling it.

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