Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Rough has the High Price of Oil Made Life for You and Your Relatives?

Have the high prices made you angry? Can you handle even higher prices?How Rough has the High Price of Oil Made Life for You and Your Relatives?
According to the IPCC reports we must stop using fossil fuels if we are to have any chance of stopping the man made component of Global Warming.

According to the IPCC reports we must cut the worldwide use of fossil fuels to less than one tenth of what they are today.

That means that world wide we must stop the use of all oil, coal and natural gas as an energy source.

One of the benefits of rapidly rising gasoline and diesel prices is that the rising prices will force people to cut back their use of gasoline and diesel oil.

That will at least be a start on the road to stopping the man made component of Global Warming.

We will have to stop the use of gasoline and diesel fuel entirely if we are to even begin to get to the point that we can stop the man made component of Global Warming.

Next we need to stop the use of coal for the generation of electricity and we need to stop the use of natural gas for heating our homes and offices.

We will need to start learning how to ride bicycles and walk to where we need to go, and wear warm clothing indoors rather than heating our homes.

We will not be able to use automobiles to get to where we want to go.

The dramatic rise in world oil prices is just one of the first small steps that we must take in our effort to stop the man made component of Global Warming.

Only then will we have any chance of stoppiing Global Warming.How Rough has the High Price of Oil Made Life for You and Your Relatives?
Americans have no idea.

A Swedish journalist told me today that gas in Sweden is $23/gal. It's been over $6 in most of Europe for years.

Adjusted for inflation, the cost of gas is about where is was at the end of the Carter Administration.

We did NOTHING about it but block the building of refineries, stop exploration and drilling, and fail to get serious about conservation.

Everybody built houses in places where they had to drive to get anywhere.

Ethanol was a stupid ';cheap fix'; that politicians pushed because it seemed painless. Now we are paying the price that energy, agriculture, and economic experts warned about.

';Environmentalists'; derided them as ';big oil, big ag, and big business,'; but they were right and Al Gore and his buddies were wrong - again and again.

You have no right to be angry or call yourself an ';environmentalist'; if you're not using public transportation, riding your bike, turning off your A/C, or otherwise walking the walk.

We'll pay the price, whatever it is, for the foolish decisions we made in the past.
The price of oil is low, these are just liberal scare tactics that are designed to scare people into taxing oil companies more. The more we tax oil companies, the higher our gas prices become. Oil companies invent billions of dollars to get us oil, they work hard and they provide a invaluable service. One reason oil is high is because our war in iraq, if we get out of iraq, the price of oil will go down.
It is tough but the democrats wont let us tap our own sources of oil which would drop the price at the pump significantly- they treat corporations like dirt andf create a hostile environment from which the corps flee which leaves us with less jobs and less domestically produced goods for our own consumption and export which leads to more imports= weaker dollar and so on so let's kick them out and get rational people in office at all levels regardless of party but people who truly understand how to make an economy work rather than playing political games pitting one group against another

Mike even many contributors to the IPCC report state that manmade global warming is BS- they say the summary which is written by politicians is not reflective of the research by the contributors- one lead author even quit...

We need to search for true alternatives not crap like ethanol that is driving up food prices and is so heavily subsidized that wheat farmers are planting corn instead and thus we are low on wheat and corn for food use.

Keep living in a blindly ideological world people and we will never have a solution to our problems- open up your minds to reality over a false utopian vision
My daughter and I are talking about car pooling again. She can't afford to fill her truck AND pay her school loans. Angry, yes, at the short sighted auto manufacturers who are blocking higher gas mileage requirements for cars, at the same for buying up and squashing alternate technology that given a chance to succeed could make us much less dependent on oil and gas. Yes, I suppose I could, but I might have to eat cereal at every meal.
Hmm, father and father in law retired from oil companies. Stock portfolios heavy with oil stock paying nice dividends. Good money management and no credit bills. Yea, oil prices aren't really hitting us that hard. Guess good planning overrides silly panic huh.
It's not just the cost of filling the tank (which hurts), but then the domino affect it is having.

Higher fuel cost=higher cost of goods=fewer people buying the goods=more businesses closing= more people out of work= a new Great Depression.
I don't really care. My car still only costs me about $20 bucks to fill it up and I do that about once a month. If it starts costing me $40 to $50 then I will take the bus or walk.
having a car is a luxury not a right so treat it as such.
Pretty rough, between tolls and gas my commute to work is costing me $800/month

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