Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How will Barack lower the price of oil?

If it's Bush's fault, then Obama should be able to fix it. Right?How will Barack lower the price of oil?
In all actuality, the Congress and your local government have way more impact than the president does on the economy. Barack, Hillary or John McCain can't make oil companies charge less for gas. I see where you are going with this though, and Obama can't fix anything.How will Barack lower the price of oil?
1). It isn't Bush's fault.

2). Unless Barack Obama is able to create oil out of whole cloth or is willing to bomb India and China, there is no way he can do anything about the price of oil.

Anyone who disagrees with me on these points is welcome to discuss with me after going back to school and taking an economics class.
it is a result of the ';global'; economy higher global demand. OPEC already said they would be happy to increase production to meet demands. High gas is here to stay. What he needs to do is eliminate the tax breaks that the oil companies enjoy that they are supposed to be using to research alternative fuel sources. Until we can tap into better alternatives like hydrogen, and mass transit, we are screwed. At least i still can fill up my car for under $50.00.
If the price of oil is Bush's fault... then the iraq war is definantly Clintons fault. He and his administration knew of the intent from iraq and knew about all the threats to the us and did NOTHING!!! It sure is easy to blame one person isn't it. Guess what, Bush can't do anything without the approval of congress so why not bit%# at them for once!!!
He'll unite the planet and take profits out of everything, bringing in a New World Order where we have One Government, One King, and One Currency. This will bring about a few years of peace, and will be paradise assuming you recieve the mark that allows you to trade in the market...

Sounding familiar yet?
He is not going to lower the price. In a speech he gave he said that he would address the problem by conserving and finding alternative sources. He never mentioned plans that would lower gas prices.
Oil prices are driven by market forces. Driving the Chinese back into the third world is the only thing that will lower prices.

Don't hold your breath.
Obama is a socialist and that probably means he'll just ruin everything and then blame it on the weathy and upper class.
I dont care who you stand for politically the price of oil is a simple supply and demand ratio. we cant expect for them to be lowered anytime soon
Lets drill everywhere in America for oil.

Then tell the tree huggers to get lost. Also build refinery's
he won't. Obama does a lot of talking, but he has no idea what he's talking about.
By voting as a senator to allow drilling in Alaska and for the building of new refineries.
He can't lower the price of oil.
Obama can't fix anything.. and its not bush's fault...
Ha.. ha..

He'll lower oil prices the way Jimmy Carter did... no wait...
he'll contact his terrorist friends

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