Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Arabia controls the OIL price? Are we at war with the wrong country?

Not that Bush would ever decieve Americans for a hidden agenda and profit motivation ... would he?Arabia controls the OIL price? Are we at war with the wrong country?
yes. but it is very complex. the corruption is from top to bottom. the oil execs, the saudis, the banking system, it is charlotte's web all over again. guess you understand now. oh, and don't underestimate the investments of the oil company executives and the hedge traders. oh yes, it is complex.

our energy industry, including the investment and banking people, is corrupt like it was in russia for awhile. putin decided it was so corrupt there he put some in prison then turned it over to national control. guess what? things are humming along very well now, thank you.

you cannot trust anybody on earth with some things, they will prove that greed always takes hold. the entire energy industry must be nationalized or you will get more of the same b.s. no private prisons, no private energy companies and no private armies. rational and balanced policy that is open and accountable.Arabia controls the OIL price? Are we at war with the wrong country?
While Saudi Arabia does have a lot of Oil

OPEC only provides about 40% of the worlds oil.

The largest oil supplier to the USA is Canada--with Mexico coming in second.

The USA is actually third or fourth in producing oil. it unfortunately uses all it's oil and then has to import the rest.

No we are not at war with the wrong country---

After all--The Saudi's have a right to sale their oil at any price they choose to.----

if you have ever sold anything of yours--you get to sale it at a price of your choosing--according to what the market for it will bear.

After all---nobody is going to pay 20,000 dollars for your crappy, rusted out 1972 ford PINTO with the missing back seat.
The US is fighting wars on many fronts, this includes Afgan, Iraq in a frontal assault. Iran, Venezuala, lebanon on a covert front. and many more we don't know about.

Supply %26amp; demand controls the price of Oil. Use less the price goes down. Drill in Anwar, build some refineries and then tell OPEC to eat sand.

George Bush does not control oil prices! It's basic economics.
GWB aint going to war with no Saudis

They are personal friends and business partners/ I see you were fooled by the show Bush put on asking them and they saying no.

Does the word ';legacy'; ring any bells or raise any flags?
if we had any political justification for going to war with Saudi Arabia, we would!
Yes, we're at war with the wrong country. And oil prices are hardly the first indication.
i thought wars were always with the wrong countries
It has to do with alot more than that. How about the falling value of the dollar?

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